uish...aje gile paper statistics ni..boleh la buat tapi xbrape confident...lps ni ade lagi 1 paper, kontrak & taksiran lak...apepun gudluck la untuk aku....
early in the morning I felt so excited to go to the site because i know today will be inspection for the column. Sharp on 9am i followed the consultant to the block 5. The RE ask me to help him to check the vertical alignment of column...huhu...I sweat like a pig because of the sunrise...perghh...dh la I wore blouse today. But it still ok right??? But then i don't know why i felt a bit sad. Maybe tired or maybe i felt empty inside my heart. Start from yesterday I will not going to work with Mr.M...huhu...so sad...Before this he always going to work by himself then I think maybe it id still with the same reason. But when I read at his FB wall, I know that he got a real job I think. SO that's mean we will not taking the bus to go to the office...hmmmm...
detect engineering sdn bhd...the company that me and Ana went for training... we were sent to the site at Sg. Melana, Tmn Perling... perghhh.....1st time i went to the site for work...and i will be there for the full of two months... Monday-saturday (8am - 5 pm)...no half day on saturday.. huahuahua...bile dgr cmtu je pn dh rase penat... xpe2...take the challenge... aja2 fighting...gambate...
semalam kami pergi berbuka lagi dengan kawan2. salah sorang tu budak luar tapi dia nak masuk lepak kat hostel. then kereta dia tu xde sticker UTM, kalau ikut memang susah la nak masuk. jadi dia suruh aku drive kereta dan kitorang pun dah susun alasan dah kalau kena tahan. masa mula2 nak keluar tu aku terlupe nak turun kn handbreak, time tu terasa la berat. bila kat traffic light tu kena berhenti. then bila nak gerak smula tu lagi sekali terlupa turunkan handbreak. tetibe je tuan kereta tanaya, "syikin rasa berat tak kereta???". aku pun dengan yakinnya mengiyakan la, memang terasa berat pun kereta tu. tuan kete pun kata la, kamu lupa turunkan handbreak la...halamak, panic ke apa ni???aduyai, nasib baik la tuan kereta rilex je...hehehehe....nk tahu kereta apa??? inilah kereta nya...atos (warna kelabu)...auto...dh biasa sangat bawa manual so panic lak kena bawa aotu ni...hahaha