cuti @ holiday

supposed 2day is 1st day holiday for CNY and mix with midterm break...everybody have go to their hometown yesterday but not me...
bosan r sume pn dh balik, aku boleh balik esk je...sbb kena tgu rika skali....xpe la cuti pn lame gak but we have so many things to do during the holiday...wah berabuk nye tulis omputih...aku dulik ape kalo xbtul pn kurng2 aku try to improve my english skill...
disebabkan nk b'cuti, jadi i have to say gudbye to my blog for a week becoz its difficult to update when i reach to my home...whatever it is, i will come back home 2morrow and driving in the long long journey....i think it may take my all strengthness while driving...beciz only me who can drive tomorrow....isk...isk...isk...


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