Yesterday, I got a called from my sister at KL told me and another sister about dad.
Two days before, my dad collapse and cannot move at all. The phone are near him but he refuse to call somebody to tell about him. Yesterday (mlm rya haji), my sis came to dad's house and they found him terduduk on the floor dgn keadaan yg basah lencun dgn kencingnya. My dad tak boleh langsung nak gerak. They sent him to HUKM, and Doc. said that my dad kna minor strok. Saraf kat otaknya dah pecah, and might be have a small ketulan darah beku dalam otak. Today (18/11/10), sy smpai kat KL jam 1ptg, and he quite ok. But, ada kelainan ckit la lagi-lagi time dia cakap. Aku terperasan kepelatan dia. Macam lidah pendek, ni kesan dari strok tu la. Acctually, I'm still have to go to work tomorrow but, right now, I still at Kl. My sis and bros told me to stay until Sunday. Just take EL (emergency leave). I hope he will recover from that.


Aqilah Rohizad said…
ckin,skrg ayah ckin cane?hospitalised smpi bile?
kimsyikin said…
xtau lg...arini org dh blk utm smula...sbb ayh still cmtu nk abiskn 2mgu je lg ni then blk kl la jge ayh...

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