Assalamualaikum & good day bloggers...

I'm quite busy this year. But then i keep thinking that i have to update my blog with any story.
And know after read my fren comment asking for the new story from me...hehehe
Alhamdulillah, almost three months i got my own car.

 Saga FLX

                                  (Source: My Car Agent, Mr Zamzuri)

Its name wewebe...such a sweet name maybe... but i really like the numbers...I'm proud to be the owner. But, it have a problem (alarm asik bunyi tak tentu masa). I have to bring it and left it at the workshop for a day. Don't know when will i send it. huhuh


Aqilah Rohizad said…
aduh..tersedak2 plak..hehe..
kimsyikin said…
btul la kn...d
dh lame sgt org x update ek...

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