
Showing posts from February, 2009


hmmm....we finally done our assignment and 1st test now everybody go meronggeng ke mane2 tah...just for release our tension....haha we are free rite now

3 weeks with assignment and test

almost three week i bergelumang with assignment and test... today, the latest assignment, we need to design beam and slab... tomorrow, due date for submit construction technology..... tired meh.....dats all tq...


i have been tagged from my cousin... but i didn't respon, and now my sister geram at me


lega nye...dh lps 1 test... walaupun satu dan akan ada lg yg menunngu untk ditest kefahaman ktorg ni tp lega gak la...

10 february 2009

lama btul tngl kn blog ni agk bz dgn assgmnt kononnye... i'm happy becoz dh dpt tmpt nk prktikl semua pn dh setel so xla pening nk cari tempt dh... apepn, aku agk blm bersedia nk keje...hehehe